Current assignments


Unique Stone Age ceremonial site discovered in southern Sweden

Remains of a ceremonial site from the Neolithic period are currently being investigated by archaeologists. The site comprises a causewayed enclosure and wetland offerings dating to 3,500-3,000 BC.


A large Viking Age burial ground gives the archaeologists new knowledge

Archaeologists from The National Historical Museums in Sweden should have been excavating a stone age settlement in Halland, but stumbled over a gigantic burial ground from the Viking Age.


New excavations in Carl von Linné’s garden in Uppsala

We conducted new archaeological excavations at the site where Sweden’s first botanical garden once lay. Here Olof Rudbeck and Carl von Linné, two of Sweden’s most famous scholars, lived and worked.


Discovered: Early Christian Churchyard at Vreta Abbey

At least 70 burials, dating from the eleventh century, were discovered. 19 of these were excavated but probably there are several hundred more.


Daily life in the outskirts of Stockholm

During the fall of 2020 an archaeological excavation of houses, gardens and workshops dating from the 16th to the 19th century took place. 

Current assignments

Phallic stone statue found

A large erected stone in the shape of a phallus was uncovered in Rollsbo, Sweden. It might be linked to a Bronze Age fertility cult.